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Thank you for your visit to our website, If you have any comments and suggestions, please contact us. Let us happy!

Zhejiang LangPu Clothing Co., Ltd.

Address: Economic Development Zone of Shengzhou City,Zhejiang Province, China Gao Xiang 78

General Manager Tel: 83706508 ; 83706518

Ministry of Foreign Trade Tel: 83560111; 83706613

Administration Department Tel: 83706621; 83706513

Purchasing Department Tel: 83706620; 83706612

Postal Code: 312400



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zhejiang Langpu clothing co.,ltd copy (C)2012 网络支持 中国纺织网 中国服装网 生意宝

Address :Economic Development Zone of Shengzhou City,Zhejiang Province, China Gao Xiang 78    TEL:0575-83560111  0575-83706621  

  WEB:http://www.lpgarment.com/  E-mail:xingyao@lpgarment.com